the battle amidst waiting

For the past few days, I have been struggling with the fact that waiting isn’t my thing.But God really knows where to strengthen me. He knows me very well that He wants me to be trained in this area of my life.

Currently everything is in quick phase, even the oatmeal that I ate during breakfast is easy to prepare which takes me around 5 minutes to prepare. All issues I am handling in my work, they need to be solved within the fixed period of time as per agreed in SLA. I always hear people here saying, “yalla” which translates to faster in english. This is how I see things right now, they should be done right away. I have this freak way of wanting things to be within my control and by that I want everything to be organized so that everything will fall according to my way. When things aren’t going my way, I tend to get worried and distracted. Then there’s this area where I hated most, waiting.

Early this morning, I was reading my ebook battlefield of mind by joyce meyer, the topic is about Instant Gratification.

Here’s the verse:

“So be patient, brethren till the coming of the Lord.See how the farmer waits expectantly for precious harvest from the land.He keeps up his patient over it until it receives the early and late rains”- James 5:7

This hits me right there in my stubborn heart and mind regarding waiting. It’s piercing a big impact in my way of living in this Yalla world. When the waiting time is prolonged, I tend to see things in my point of view but never God’s point of view.In this verse, the farmer waits expectantly,compared to me I wait in a hurry mode.My attitude right now is “now” or “never”. Instead of waiting and trusting Him, I let this situation to be used against me by the enemies.
This basically is my question: How will I be able to succeed in waiting ? On this question, the I stands a big impact. But instead, Ask God How shall we be able to succeed in this waiting? Never take out God in everything for apart from Him you can do nothing. In waiting, God has so many things in store for you. In waiting, God sees your heart and want’s you to be still and know that He got your back. It’s the time where you can rest and throw all your worries and doubts because He is in control in this very situation. Always remind your enemies that the farmer waited expectantly, and tell your enemies that I am waiting expectantly for a generous God and quote this bible verse:

“God is able to do exceedingly abundantly above that we ask or think”- Ephesians 3:20

What you can do during this waiting period is to enjoy this time with Him. Obey Him and never give up on His promises for He is a promise keeper. Always remember He will never leave you nor forsake you. Just keep trusting Him in this battle amidst the waiting time.
