Moms empowered by Essential Oils

I’m joining the band wagon of  moms of different season of motherhood empowered by essential oils.

I never had a chance to write after I gave birth to my son and being a working mom and loving wife to my husband, I rarely have the chance to write something up. I technically have a journal where I wrote what I planned on writing on this blog. But I never had a chance to start it. But now i’ll be faithful in writing blogs because it’s my happy pill aside from sniffing my lavender essential oils.

So last month, I had a chance to have simple talk with my friend in doha. She’s a  mom with a very cute and playful toddler. She messaged me about this oils she has been using and explained to me the different usage for different oils. I was able to reply to her at first because I was so busy with a big deployment of our project. After the project was deployed I message her and asked more about the oils. I gave her my one concern, my toddler has so much energy at night that sleeping is least among his priorities. My toddler has all the energy that I myself couldn’t imagine where that energy came from and was stored in this tiny human.  I love my toddler dearly but if this toddler wont sleep at night, this momma will turn into grumpy momma and that means it’s going to be unhappy wife which eventually turns to not happy life for the husband. You pictured the effect it’s like domino.

My friend (Nhel) explained to me that she diffuses lavender at night so that aki(her kid) sleeps well at night. Well, I do believe her because momma trusts momma who experienced the same struggle of putting a tiny human to bed who refuses to even get inside their crib.  So I told her I’m planning to buy one for us.

So I tried studying those oils that says seed to seal. Trying to learn the different acronyms like PSK, EO and all those stuffs. I even tried reading some effects of the different oils and even downloaded app on my mobile to study oils. The idea of mixing different oils awakens the frustrated chemical engineer in me. Yup, if given a chance i really wanted to work in chemical engineer it was way more cooler, but I’m happy that I still get to test application not chemically but in terms of software and hardware applications. Now back to the oils, I told my husband I planned to buy the oils. So after studying it, its like a defense for your thesis, I have to explain to my husband the good effects and what he will be benefitting from it. The best part of this oil is that, you can diffuse but you can apply it on your skin and mix with your choice of carrier oil and use it for massage. When husband heard the word the massage, he said yes please. So I explained to him that not only jared will be sleeping well but also you got a massage from me. So he said go buy now.

So we enrolled as member of the said essential oil. It was really simple, i’ll do another blog about on how to enroll and it will be more on the how to and specifics of entering informations.

After we enrolled we selected the PSK which is dessert mist, by the way for everyone reading this PSK is Premium Starter Kit. The kit includes the following:

The Premium Starter Kit with Desert Mist includes:

  • Desert Mist Diffuser
  • Premium Essential Oil Collection (Lavender 5 ml, Peppermint 5 ml, Lemon 5 ml, Copaiba 5 ml, Thieves 5 ml, Panaway 5 ml, R.C. 5 ml, Purification 5 ml, Di-Gize 5 ml, Frankincense 5 ml)
  • Northern Lights Black Spruce 5 ml
  • Thieves Waterless Hand Purifier 1 oz
  • AromaGlide Roller Fitment
  • 10 Love It? Share It! Sample Business Cards (5 English/5 French)
  • 10 Love it? Share It! Sample Oil Bottles
  • 2 NingXia Red 2 oz samples
  • Product Guide (English)

The price is 199.99 cad and when you became a member you get to be distributor which means the items you plan to buy next time will be in wholesale price and not retail price. Since I also enrolled in Essential Rewards Points, you get to earn points from your monthly purchase. The points you earn can be redeem to get more oils. But the best part is when you hit certain points during your monthly order, they gave you free oils which is different each month but the best perk I actually earn this month was the 10$ rewards point when I processed my order on the first week of the month so it means i get to save 10$ off for my next order.  For now as member I am enjoying this benefits and knowing that I found the oil that meets my criteria:

  • kid friendly
  • mom’s essential need
  • husband approved

We received our item a week after the shipment, I had a video of the unboxing but this momma is too shy to show you guys plus my video editing is not as superb as other vlogger. So please find below the picture of our item that came from our order




The Dessert Mist PSK


Ningxia FTW

When we first use the diffuser and put the lavender, guess who slept first.. the momma and daddee and little jared woke us up saying milk please and he went back to sleep again.  I would like to thank Nhel for introducing me to this oily world and best of all to the Lord who gave me wisdom as well as financial capacity to buy from Young Living Essential Oils.  Before I hit the sack since lavender + peppermint is currently diffusing in my owl diffuser, is already kicking in my system:

I would like to encourage you mom reading this blog, wherever season you are right now, are a new mom, a mom with teenage kid, a mom with a child who started to moved out of their home to have their own life as an adult, a mom that has lost a unborn child, a mom that is going thru fertility issue, mom that is juggling work and taking care of kids while enduring the uncertainty of pandemic and for all the mom out there in different seasons of life, we got this momma, it’s never an easy task but the Lord is with us and he will never leave us nor for sake us. He also created essential oils to help us continue with the tasks he has in store for us.

So as a mom too I feel the pressure that we need to keep a house tidy, a toddler well feed, a career to continue and a husband to love and take care too. But instead of dwelling on what the society thinks we should be doing , I let my essential oils to calm my thoughts and meditate on my next move so that I can be the mom and wife and the qa(career) that the Lord has planned me to be. Take care of yourself mom, so that you can take care of your kids and husband. 

So mom’s out there let’s empower each other thru essential oils of Young Living.

We mom needs to pamper our self. Self care is not enough, if you are ready to to indulge and invest on yourself  click below the link and I’m pretty sure if we invest on our well being we can be the better version of ourselves so we can be the mom, the wife and the qa( insert your career here) that we always wanted to be.

Become A mom Empowered by YL EO




our pregnancy journey

Let me start my pregnancy journey by saying I was one week working already in burnaby as qa analyst in BBY when I found out I was pregnant. My period came late, it was February 18 , when I tried to use our pregnancy kit and I found out that I was pregnant. I can still remember the initial reaction I had and I gave thanks to the Lord for He has heard our prayer for a child. So when I told my husband that I am pregnant, he was sleepy that time because it’s a weekend and around 5am in the morning. So he just said yeah and go back to sleep. When he woke up, he got his phone and took a picture of the pregnancy kit test and send it to our family. My husband is a bit excited for the new blessing that we have.

First Trimester:

The first three months of my pregnancy journey was a roller coaster ride for us. Getting up to work in the morning, was so hard. All I want to do was to sleep but this momma has to work. We also went to our family doctor to confirm that I am really pregnant. Indeed the doctor confirmed that we are pregnant. We are then transferred to Richmond Hospital for my pre natal check up.  Some pregnant women has severe morning sickness, but mine was in the afternoon after getting out of the office. I had to puke after getting out of the bus. Not only that I also experienced several food cravings which includes fried chicken of Churches and Siopao Asado of New Towns. I always ask my husband to get me one of those comfort food. I don’t know but i like them a lot. To tell you the truth, when we dine in churches, we will order 2 piece chicken for both of us (hubby and me). I will surely finish them and even asked for the other piece from my husband. I guess I have a little one that loves a chicken.  There was one incident when I want to eat siopao, We came from the office and it was past 5pm when my husband and I decided to go to new town to get my siopao. When we reached our destination, we found out that the siopao was sold out. So I honestly asked them, if they had one so I could eat them and I even told them I am pregnant. But they did not give me, they saw me crying going back to my husband where he parked.

Then on my third month, I received a phone call from my OB that I need to immediately have my blood tested because they see something on the last test about our baby. I was at the office that time, doing my test scripts when I went to my manager and asked his permission if I can go to richmond hospital for emergency. He approved it immediately and gave his phone number to contact him for any help. I was really touched knowing that my manager cares for me. When I got to the hospital the OB mentioned to me that Jared’s test came out nearing the border of Down Syndrome. My heart sunk, my body shivers, and everything is a blur to me that moment. The OB consoled me and advice me to have a second test that will take my blood and have it sent to ontario for further testing. While waiting for it I was already googling how to take care for an infant with down syndrome. My fear is so high that I came to the point that I asked God why would he allowed jared to be like that. But my husband is so calm and even mentioned to me that everything is going to be ok. We continued praying for a good result,  when the test came, the OB mentioned to me that Jared is negative for the Down Syndrome and we knew that our baby is a HE. We were so happy and we knew that God was with us all through out this first trimester.

Here’s our pregnancy kit test showing 2 lines confirming that what we prayed during prayer and fasting 2017 was answered :

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Here’s my little bump:

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Here’s a video link of our first ultrasound of Jared for first trimester: First ultrasound of Jared.

Second Trimester

My second trimester is easy peasy. I feel like everything is a bit easy. No more vomiting and i feel my energy bump up a bit that time. The second trimester I was more focused on working on my crm projects along side with epos and pos testing. I also noticed when I was on my second trimester, I always help people in need and always give my best smile to everyone. During this period I always read bible stories to Jared and we always talk to Jared. We may not feel yet his movements but as the doctor said, we can feel his movements more during the third trimester.

Here’s a baby bump of momma :

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Third Trimester:

As my third trimester approaches, my tummy gets bigger and i am literally fat.But on the 7th month I noticed that my foot are so swollen and my wedding ring needs to be removed because my hands are swelling. We had received also a great favor from my team in BBY, they gave me a crib for my little jared. Honestly, I was having mixed emotions, excited to held my son and i fear that I might not be enough and the things I will be doing for my son will not be enough. Maybe it’s just the pregnancy hormones. But when jared tried to kick while inside my tummy, I giggled and realize that I will be taking care of this little blessing from God and God will never leave me nor for sake me.

It was 1st of September when we had our normal routine check up with our OB. They weighed me and of course took my blood pressure. The doctor told me are you tired? I answered back, nope. She tried measuring again my blood pressure. She then told me your BP is 140/100. She then write a letter and told me I will be sent upstairs in maternity section for further test. So we went to third floor and we had a machine they will use to check jared’s heartbeat. They call the test as non stress testing to check on jared’s heart beat. After finishing the test, my husband and I went to the waiting area and waited for the OB for her verdict. When the OB came back to see and talk to us, her face seems serious. She started with saying, we found out that you have a high blood pressure that makes you a high risk in pregnancy because of this we concluded that you are preclamtic and we have to admit today for further testing and we will have you take the labetalol. She mentioned also it’s not your diet it’s just that the placenta has an issue.  We were admitted on the same day together with my husband. I was on labetalol for the rest of the night while my husband stayed with me by my side. I thank the Lord for providing me a husband who knows how to make me laugh despite our situation. The next day we were allowed to go home but I got a little note from the doctor that I need to take an early leave in the office.

So we applied for an emergency leave for 7 days and after that we applied for disability leave which was approved by my manager. I am super beyond blessed to have working with BBY who take cares of their employees, we finally find an amazing company that God provided us.

We were scheduled for non stress testing for a couple of weeks and a lot of ultra sound. I thank the Lord for providing me people who are more than willing to provide their time with me. I was not driving that time so, either my husband , my sister in law ate marivi and her husband kuya jun will drop us in richmond hospital. I thank the Lord for they blessed me and surely the Lord will bless ate marivi and her husband and family for everything they did to us.

I was admitted again for almost 3 days now and was allowed to go home. It was the second week of September which were due to a spike again in my blood pressure: 180/110. We were supposed to be prepping for Jared’s stuff but unfortunately we can’t do it anymore due to my blood pressure. They put me on labetalol from 50mg to 100mg 3x a day.  I still remember that we were able to attend our baby shower before we found out on our non stress testing that my placenta water is decreasing and Dr. Rivera advised me to stay at the hospital.

So I stayed at the hospital, and was on monitor and labetalol. This was not an easy task, it was so boring for me. But I asked my husband to bring my bible and it was the time when I realize that I was not listening to God but instead I was just praying and asking for this and that. Every night I will be reading my bible and have an OB talk to me about my status if I am going to have jared be out early. Until one OB saw my bible. She asked me what is that, i told I was just reading a book. She said do you know that my husband is a pastor and she prayed with me. At that moment, I knew that God was with us and that Doctor hugged me and told me to be strong for our baby. They wanted Jared to stay until 37 weeks.

It was September 22 when they decided that Jared needs to come out because of the decline in amniotic fluid. So the plan was to induce labor for me and they put a thing inside me to cause dilation where jared will come out. It was not a very good experience. I even scratched my husband hand because of the pain. They keep monitoring Jared’s heartbeat during the induced labor phase. So how do i explain the feeling, have you ever felt cramps in your tummy but it felt like a gazillion waves of cramps in tummy which makes you feel like you need to pee or no poop, I just don’t know how to explain it but in few word, PAINFUL.

The next day September 23 2017, my husband and ate marivi bought food in well tea yes, food this momma likes food a lot, we ate a lot.After eating lunch, Dr Kawalsik, mentioned to us that Jared’s heart beat is slowing during contraction and she presented us two option:

  1. They will inject something to make the fluid increase inside my womb to make jared stay longer in my womb.
  2. C-Section

We chose option 2, we were prepped immediately.  I went inside the operating room and ready to be C-sectioned. The procedure was really simple, they will inject something in your backbone, it was called anesthesia. My anesthesiologist asks me if I feel something on my leg, then I told him just put my feet properly as I thought it was crossleg. He said it was already properly put. Then that signals that I feel nothing on my lower extremities. By the way my husband is with me and he was awesome in his gown and cap and of course his mask. I don’t see any marks of fear in him, but I knew God is with us and this was the day God made for us to see our little Jared. I was awake all throughout the operation and then I heard a loud cry, and they let me see Jared. He was so cute 🙂 My husband was the one who cut his umbilical cord and was able to bond more time with Jared. Jared was moved to NICU for he was born at 35 weeks and 6 days.

After they stitched me up, I went to the recovery area and waited until my lower limbs are back to normal. But the noticed that I have a high blood pressure again. My blood pressure is 200/110, they put labetalol and IV on me but my blood pressure is high again. When I went up, to see my husband waiting for me in my room I thank the Lord for protecting me. The Lord provided nurse for us to guide us overnight because the first night was critical. I was able to hold jared for the first time, but I was on high pain killer dosage. The feeling was magical and it was that moment that I realize that I was so blessed to have Jared and Jap in my life. That very moment, I praise the Lord for granting us our prayer.

Jared was in the NICU and we wanted to make his weight a bit higher. My husband and I was able to go home without jared. It was painful to leave jared at NICU but we have to endure it and be strong. God sustained us all throughout this pregnancy journey, from Day 1 till this day. We were able to bring Jared home after 10 days of staying in NICU.

We praise and Honor God for providing us people and loved ones who prepared and even helped us in the best way they can.

Here’s some of our picture during the third trimester:

At the operation room:

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Everyone we are pleased to introduce you to our bundle of joy :


Hi, Im Jared Seth Lee, I was born last Sept 23 2017 at 2:25 pm.
Thank you for praying with us. 👪
Born at 35 weeks and 6 days.

Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows.
James 1:17 NIV


The promise job

This is a very late praise blog for the promise that God had provided us. When I entered here in Canada, I brought along with me not just the things I am going to use but every promise that God has given me when I was still in Doha.

Let me begin by this promise from God:

 I will give you every place where you set your foot, as I promised Moses. -Joshua 1:3

This verse is a reminder for me that wherever I will be going He will give it to me and my household.  He also gave me this verse as an assurance from him:

No one will be able to stand against you all the days of your life. As I was with Moses, so I will be with you; I will never leave you nor forsake you. -Joshua 1:5

Knowing that He is a promise keeper, I obeyed the last thing that God gave me and that is:

“Be strong and very courageous. Be careful to obey all the law my servant Moses gave you; do not turn from it to the right or to the left, that you may be successful wherever you go. -Joshua 1:7

These are the promises and command that God gave me when I prayed for a job here in Canada.  I can still remember the job hunting I did here, it was a snowy month to start for job hunting.  As white as the snow it is, I did boldly and in faith the following steps to kick off my job hunting:

  1. Modify my curriculum vitae and put highlight on my almost 9 years career in IT.
  2. Created an account in
  3. Updated my LinkedIn account.
  4. Get my own mobile number for employers to contact me.
  5.  Before sending applications to job opening, I prayed before I hit the send button.

So thats how it looks easy, but let me tell you applying for a job is not an easy job here. The fear haunted me knowing that I don’t have canadian experience and so the enemy did won over for quite sometime on telling lies like these. But God is gracious to me and He did not let the enemy won.

1st Interview: Online Marketer

So finally I got my first interview in downtown area in vancouver it was for marketing online job. I believe I did what I can do, and basic questions were asked like the following:

  1. Describe your self.
  2. Can you tell me about your experience.
  3. Can you tell me why should we hire you.
  4. Can you describe your  5 years plan from now.

By the way it was snowy that time and thanks to the brother in law of my husband, who is generous to bless me to bring to the interview site. But God has another plan and I did not end up with the said company.

2nd Interview: Customer Support

My second interview was with a retail company, the position was customer support which I used to work before in Qatar. I passed the initial HR interview and got to meet the hiring manager. They even ask for the references on my end. Everyone around me is trying to tell me that I might land the job. But something is odd and my heart is not at ease. Unfortunately, even though they had asked for references, I never got the job. But maybe God is telling something about this interview, retail — I used to work in a retail job.

3rd Interview: Technical Support

My third interview was in Main street in downtown vancouver, it was for a technical support. The interview was a panel interview. The company is a bit small and has an open space type of office. I still can remember this interview because it broke my heart.Let’s begin the story,  the first part of the interview went well, I was able to answer all the technical stuff but the second part of the interview, I was totally out of sync from the manager’s question. He asked me, why do you changed job a lot, I did answered him by the fact that I was young and naive when I was in Philippines and it is my way of getting new experiences. Maybe he was not satisfied, and he keeps grilling me. He even asked me about data structures and all. I was able to answer him but he keeps emphasizing that I graduated as a computer engineer, why do I want a technical support job? I told him, i had the experience of support for 5 years in Doha, which emphasizes not only on technical know how but I love helping people. The interview ended and I went home. As i went back home, I really begun to think of my past job experiences, was I wrong that I had to jump from company to company? Later that day, my husband went home I really cried to him and he said, don’t worry you can still find other job.

The next day, I received an email from the operations lead(not the one who interviewed me) that I got the job. They gave me a permanent job with a rate of  @@@ per hour. They even provide subsidy for transitlink pass.I asked and seek the Lord and clearly there was no peace and assurance from the Lord that I will take the job so I followed and obeyed Him and my husband.

4th Interview: QA Analyst II

I honestly did not applied for this job. I did though send my application but for a support role. After that someone from linkedIn contacted me, saying if I am interested for a QA Analyst position. So I answered that I am very interested. Then God reminded me the times I was praying for QA job in Doha, but God has a better plan for me in Doha. In the back of my mind, maybe this is God’s way of saying here’s what you longed for and prayed for 5 years in Doha. So I was briefed that someone will email for the job qa analyst. This person is a blessing in disguise and provided more than what I could imagine. Indeed God is working in our end. So I did passed the initial HR interview and was able to move to interview.

Then I did went to check the office location and I did prayer walk. I uttered also the promise of God to me and that was Joshua 1:3: I will give you every place where you set your foot, as I promised Moses.

During the interview I was really scared and I was able to answer most but not all the questions. I was really getting scared but as I was going out to take a bus, I saw this beautiful scenery:

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Then God provided this verse to me as an assurance for this application:

You are my hiding place;
    you will protect me from trouble
    and surround me with songs of deliverance.

I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go;
    I will counsel you with my loving eye on you. – Psalm 32:7-8

It was on the 28th of January when I finished all the requirements for this job. Indeed I was blessed and God was so generous he full filled all the things I prayed for and best of all God returned me back to QA Analyst.

Indeed I was able to return to QA and God provided more than I could ask for. He even provided people, i wont mention the person’s name but God will surely honor and bless your family.

Right now I am enjoying my maternity leave with an assurance that I got a job to return to this september.

To God  be the Glory!



shukran doha and Bienvenue vancouver

After 5 years of praying, trusting and believing God that one day I will be able to say shukran doha and bienvenue vancouver.. the day that the Lord  selected for me to say this was last November 22,2016.

Before I was able to hopped in the plane and get my boarding ticket, let me just share how did I survived the last few stages of struggles before reaping the answer to my prayers.

Here’s a backstory of my application to canada for immigration:

In 2013, I applied for FSWP but file got lost and returned late , hence lost the chance to move to canada. I just surrendered everything to God when that had happened but a lot of tears were shed that very moment I learned that I lost the chance to move.

It was December 2014, when I got engaged and on the 18th of October 2015, we finally tied the knot.

Fast forward to February 2016, my husband and I prepared all the necessary documents for our application, that time we need to complete all our forms and documents which includes police clearance from the country I am residing that time which is Qatar and NBI clearance from Philippines then I also had a medical exam taken in Gulf Laboratory & X-Ray in Doha. After completing all the necessary documents needed for our application, I lay hands on my papers and send it to my husband and from vancouver he sent it to the office processing it.

We first received an acknowledgment email confirming that our papers were received and currently processed around March 2016. We also scan and send an email for an updated copy of my passport to CIC and we just received an acknowledgement email that they received our application. We also received an email that the file is now moved to CIC Manila for processing. It was then a complete silence from the CIC. But we just cover in prayer our papers and there were struggles along the application but God gave us the strength and courage to hold on to his promise. That time I also joined a group in facebook for sponsorship 2016 for Manila, I met and chat with few people there and found one friend there her name is Gen, i instantly felt the connection not only because we filled on the same month feb 2016 but the fact that both of us are believers and trust God for our applications. We both encourage each other and prayed for each days that passed that one day we will received an email asking for our passport for stamping of our residency.

During my devotional time in corniche I saw a boat in the sea then I receive a special bible verse specifically mentioning:

One day Jesus said to his disciples, “Let us go over to the other side of the lake.” So they got into a boat and set out.- Luke 8:22


Then I saw the Doha skyline while doing my devotional and God spoke to me thru this verse:

For the revelation awaits an appointed time;
it speaks of the end
and it will not prove false.
Though it Linger,wait for it,
it will surely come
and will not delay- Habbakkuk 2:3


It was the last week of September when I received an email asking for my passport for stamping of my spousal visa. Indeed the Lord heard my cry and plea. During that time I am torn between sending my passport to VFS Manila or VFS Qatar which then will send it to Abu Dhabi for stamping. I seek again the Lord thru prayers and God directed me to send my passport to the VFS. I received my passport and confirmation papers for my residency here in canada end of October 2016. During that time I already filed for my resignation.

The Lord was so gracious to me and heard my prayers and I thanked him despite some struggles during my resignation which includes cutting off of some of the benefits like airline ticket payment has been removed from my back pay. I still trust the Lord that he will provide for me financially and hold on to his promise with this bible verse:

Moses answered the people, “Do not be afraid. Stand firm and you will see the deliverance the LORD will bring you today. The Egyptians you see today you will never see again.-Exodus 14:13

It was Nov 22 2016 when I boarded my flight from Doha to Hongkong and Hongkong to Vancouver.  Indeed the Lord provided me his word as a lamp on my feet to guide me all throughout this journey… now I can trully say :

SHUKRAN Doha and BIENVENUE Vancouver

When I stepped on vancouver airport, I declared the following verse in bold faith:

I will give you every place where you set your foot, as I promised Moses.– Joshua 1:3

Thank You Abba Father


from slumber to awakening

I have been on a blogging slumber since 2016 of November.A lot of things happened to me starting from moving from Doha to Vancouver,getting my job as QA Analyst, getting pregnant, DS scare in the first three months of pregnancy, moving to a new house called home,Preclamtic on the 8th month of pregnancy, emergency c-section and gave birth with a baby boy at 35 weeks 5 days,hematoma in the c-section and weight gain issue of my premie boy. All these happened for a reason because that was the season of testing of my faith in God and again God proved how great He is in our life.

To be honest, my life last year is like Jonah’s story. Jonah was asked by God to serve and preach but instead of following God’s direction he went the other way around,a storm came in while he was traveling and later on Jonah asked the people in the boat to throw him in the sea and the storm stopped. Jonah was then swallowed by the whale and stayed there for three nights. He prayed to God and the whale spit him up in the seaside.

This story is also available in kids bible story in you tube, I played this story several times while my little boy Jared is still in my tummy. He will move when ever I played this story. I even told Jared to be obedient to God because a whale might eat him. Fast forward to January 14,2018, Jared and I attended a service in New Hope Christian Church and the topic is about Jonah. All along I thought the story was for my son, then the holy spirit yesterday prompted me that this story is for me since I was in slumber and I’ve been in church hopping since last year.When I attended the church service yesterday with Jared, I felt the holy spirit guided us to the church that God will nourish me and plant me to spread his good news the gospel.

Now back to the preaching, just like Jonah, I was in slumber in my christian faith. I know I believe in God but a whale ate up my existence as a christian. This whale represents the circumstances of my life:

  • getting a job
  • getting pregnant
  • being a mom and wife

This was the whale that ate up my christian walk in 2017. Like Jonah, it took me while to pray for this whale to spit me up. I literally enjoyed being caught up by this whale. Until I joined the 5 days prayer and fasting of Every Nation for 2018. It is also thru the 5 days prayer and fasting for Every Nation that I was able to gain the momentum to reconnect with God and nurture and rekindle our relationship. It was like a sweet second chance, when I am doing the devotions everyday, God thru his words in the bible reminded me that I am loved by Him and I am welcomed back to return to Him.

When God gave me a job in 2017, it was favor from Him so I learned that this should not eat up my christian life but instead I need to be thankful for this job and be a good steward of it. When I prayed for a child, God heard my prayer and granted it.Now being a mom and wife should not be a reason for me not to serve him and worship Him. I did passed all the testings in my pregnancy from Down Syndrome scare, to preclamsia, to csection hematoma and weight gain of my little one, no a big jared now it’s all because God promised me before I landed here in Canada this verses:

I am with you and will watch over you wherever you go, and I will bring you back to this land. I will not leave you until I have done what I have promised you.”- Genesis 28:15

All these struggles that made me a slumber thought me that God was always there with me, He provided me people to take care of me which includes my husband and his family here and our extended friends. He also provided finances for me to be able to pay for expenses here and of course to offer and do our tithes. Most of the struggles and battles I went through, I literally didn’t went alone but God was with me and He reminded me this verse:

He said: “Listen, King Jehoshaphat and all who live in Judah and Jerusalem! This is what the LORD says to you: ‘Do not be afraid or discouraged because of this vast army. For the battle is not yours, but God’s.-2 Chronicles 20:15

Lastly, Jonah’s prayer reminded me that I was eaten and cling unto worthless idol of the world and I am thankful that God heard my prayer and now I was drawn out of the worthless idol that tarnished our relationship.  Let me leave me you with these verse from Jonah as an inspiration to all:

“When my life was ebbing away,
    I remembered you, Lord,
and my prayer rose to you,
    to your holy temple.

“Those who cling to worthless idols
    turn away from God’s love for them.
But I, with shouts of grateful praise,
    will sacrifice to you.
What I have vowed I will make good.
    I will say, ‘Salvation comes from the Lord.’”

10 And the Lord commanded the fish, and it vomited Jonah onto dry land.

-Jonah 2:7-10

Lets us claim this verse for our slumber to reawakening of our walk with our christian life.
